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What we are all about

We have about 40 members whose level of photography varies greatly, from novice to advanced. 


Our group is based on education, the mechanics of capturing the best photo, and experimenting with varied styles of photography. We have many talented members who are always eager to share their expertise with others. 


We meet the first Thursday of each month, during the winter months we have our meetings by Zoom, in the nicer weather we meet in person in Bayfield. 


We generally have a guest speaker each month, and their presentation is recorded and available on YouTube for members to watch if they missed a meeting, or go back and review the presentation at their leisure.


We plan events to near by destinations, photo walks, help sessions, PhotoShop or Lightroom training to name a few. 


There is generally a theme for submission of photos each month - posted photos are shared at the end of our meeting with gentle critiquing.


The membership fee is $50 a year.

You can send an e-transfer to and you will be sent a link with the password to the members only portion of the web site.

Get in touch with us. 


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